ᑭᒥᐊᐧᐣ Kimiwan Zine Turns One!


Kimiwan's first anniversary is being celebrated this weekend in Saskatoon and we've put together a playlist of the artists who are gonna rock that house so we can all join the party!

Kimiwan is a quarterly publication created by Joi Arcand - the artist behind a lot of RPM's graphics, like all of the killer podcast images  (swoon) - that showcases words and art from emerging and established indigenous writers and artists.

To celebrate one year of Kimiwan, the crew is having an art show and party hosted by Ryan McMahon with music from Bear Witness, Eekwol, Nick Sherman and Leonard Sumner. AKA some of my all time faves.

If you're going to be in Saskatoon, get yourself to Amigo's this Saturday night. For those of us who can't be there in person, hit play below and says cheers to Kimiwan!


  1. Clarence Two Toes (Ryan McMahon) - "Preshow Vid'yo"
  2. Nick Sherman - "Wrong Side of Town"
  3. Eekwol - "Too Sick"
  4. Leonard Sumner (Lorenzo) - "Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain"
  5. Bear Witness - "The Battle is Getting Hotter"

Interested in contributing to Kimiwan? From facebook.com/Kimiwan.zine, here are the submission guidelines:

we are looking for all kinds of art: drawings, photographs, paintings, collage, scribbles, thoughts, ideas, graffiti, words, poetry, lyrics, short stories, recipes, interviews, essays, creative non-fiction, or whatever media you use to express yourself.

topics we are interested in... decolonization, identity, family, land, laughter, love, rage, youth voice, healing, nostalgia, surviving, technology, music, tradition, your story...

how to submit... email is best. send us hi-res *300 dpi* scans/photos of artwork we accept: .jpeg, .tiff, .pdf, .psd, .ai, .doc

email: kimiwan.zine@gmail.com

we accept submissions year-round

VIDEO: Joey Stylez - "Take A Picture"


Here's a new video from Joey Stylez for his song Take A Picture directed by Laura Milliken of Big Soul Productions.

Showing his diversity as an artist, this song and video takes us into the mainstream style of production and is a great looking video by Stressed Street's most prolific artist.

Be sure to request this video on MuchMusic.

DOWNLOAD: Kait Angus - "Animals"


Cree/Mohawk singer-songwriter Kait Angus has released a brand new song and we like it.

From Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Angus is now splits her time between Portland, Oregon and San Francisco, California.  She's working on a full-length album, but sent word via Twitter that she's sharing a new track - Animals - for us to enjoy in the meantime.

Download "Animals" for free on ReverbNation: Kait Angus - "Animals"